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Angemeldet als:
Here is some love for you, for children yet to be,
For mothers who will raise them, and a brighter family,
It may not seem conventional, that's okay,
For love, in its essence, always finds a way.
For love can come in many forms, not just the conventional,
And I have found a way to show it, without being sentimental.
So this is my love for you, for children yet to come,
For mothers who will raise them, and a brighter future begun,
I may not fit the mold, but my love is just as real,
And I hope it will be felt, in all the children I'll help to feel.
For example, not having sex, may seem strange to some,
But it's a form of love, for children yet to come.
--- and, in less poetical terms,---
I am a 43 year sold man looking to have children. I see co-parenting as a wide spectrum of relationships streatching from sperm donation to marriage. I am open to the entire range, although, obvioulsy, find it easier to agree to a sperm donation than to a marriage.
This site is born from love. Love for women and children.
I have never been a conventional man. Thus, you should not expect me to express love in the most conventional of ways.
For example, not having sex can be a form of love. If I choose to help a number of women have children, having sex with them all can result in spreading disease in addition to my own genes. Thus, not having sex and offering artificial insemination is an act of love -- for you today and for those who will come after you tomorrow. Love for my children and their mothers.
The artwork on ths webiste is created by me with Open AI
Love from my solicon heart
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